TC2050-IDC-050-ALL-SOFT – Soft Squeeze
TC2050 10 Pin “Legged ” Plug-of-Nails™ to 0.050″ pitch 10 pin ribbon connector suitable for ULINK2 and similar debuggers that use the Samtec FTSH-105-01 style micro-header. As TC2050-IDC-050 but all pins connected.
The TC2050-IDC-050-ALL programming cable has an 0.050″ pitch ribbon connector suitable for ULINK2 and similar debuggers that use the Samtec FTSH-105-01 style micro-header.
The pin connections are 1-1 and all 10 pins are connected. (The standard TC2050-IDC-050 cable does not have pins 5&9 connected to be similar to our TC2050-ARM2010 adapter).
Soft Squeeze cables are designed for frequent production use to be easy on the fingers of operators. They may also be a good choice in very low humidity or low temperature environments when the side squeeze-tabs may be stiffer. They are not recommended for debugging / development use as an accidental tug may result in them disconnecting from the board.
Soft squeeze cables are not recommended in humid environments.
Datasheet (for footprint information only)
Note: The 10-pin male connectors on the Atmel-ICE have reversed (non-standard) pin numbering. For Atmel-ICE you should purchase the LEMTA version of our cables which have the 10-pin ribbon connector fitted backwards which corrects for the Atmel-ICE pin numbering reversal. (Atmel ICE comes suppplied with a ribbon cable fitted with two 10-pin IDC connectors and a 6-pin single-in-line SIP connector – The 10-pin connector at the Atmel ICE end is reversed but the other is not, correcting the pin-numbering at the target PCB. Our LEMTA cables similarly have a reversed connector).