TC2050-MINIHDMI-NL “No Legs” Cable for Altium’s USB JTAG programmer
10 pin “no legs” Plug of Nails Cables for use with Altium’s cross platform USB JTag unit.
The TC2050-MINIHDMI and the TC2050-MINIHDMI-NL are 10 pin Plug of Nails Cables for use with Altium’s cross platform USB JTAG unit which uses a Mini-HDMI connector.
Refer to the TC2050-IDC and TC2050-IDC-NL Datasheets for TC2050 Footprint Details.
DISCONTINUED PRODUCT: Altium discontinued their USB JTag programmer several years ago. Please contact us if you require this cable. You can always use our standard TC2050-IDC and TC2050-IDC-NL cables with one of Altium’s adapters.
Note: Cable only, debugger and demo board not included.